Time takes Time: A moment in time. A waste of time ?

Time, a constant companion, and loyal friend that always has your back. Time, the foe, that sometimes gets the best of you, and is always at your back. Whatever your view - and I know you have one - I'm  sure you will agree; time is the ever - present guest, occasionally, uninvited. Time is the unavoidable must, that fastens itself in every aspect of your life. You awake to time, (internal alarm or alarm clock) and plan your day to time. You sleep to time. You eat to time. So, what time is dinnertime? Not one thing mentioned is a waste of time. All time has value.

I am certain my exploration and countless displays of individuality as a little girl, were not a waste. My sincer love of dancing, singing and sewing dolly clothes, meant something. Many a time I added my artistic signature ( without permission) to a piece of clothing or jewelry my mother, lovingly purchased for me. Ms.Dor's one and only daughter just couldn't help herself, (sorry, mom) but it wasn't a waste.  All that time spent listening to music, laying on our living room floor as a child, weren't a waste either, right?  Experiments and experiences expanded my mind, thoughts, and ideas. I gained knowledge from those experiences; and I tucked each bit away, for further  analysis.  Interests were blossomed during these moments, and I utilize them as necessary in life.

So, I wonder, could we truly waste time? Isn't there value from one moment to the next? Aren't we always using the time we are given? We are always doing something, even staring into space is useful; there could be an exciting new career as the next astronaut, if you manage your time "properly" going forward. No matter how mundane or lustless the moment, a memory is created, whether we recall it or not.  All time is accounted for, even if we don't remember events or moments consciously.  We more than likely have it recorded, unconsciously. We are talking about time here; am I right?  Time, that has been keeping record of men; before men kept record of time.  Time, the constant, fact-of-life, "ruler", that we measure our accomplishments to. Time keeps track of you; however. you might be one who claims not to keep track of time. The watcher, that follows all, as we live obliviously.


                                          "Within time there

                                           are moments and

                                           in those moments

                                           you learn and, or

                                       experience something."


The information and events in each moment  over time, is included and calculated as positive, negative, educational so, depending on how  you are receiving of information in that moment, you gain something.  The information, whether it be true, false, exciting, off-putting or otherwise will prepare you for the next time; and even in that moment, when you were in that bad time, that great time, when there was tragedy, ecstacy, frustration, happiness, embarrassment or pain, it was in time.  That feeling or event used that moment you will not get back. When going to the same club every weekend with the same group of friends,  you'll have a blast, these are your peers, but every club experience is different.  You are a different person in each moment and experience; even during your sleep you were skimming through information. 💤"Next time, I'm wearing my sexy  pants, 💤so I can dance more".💤..that's just my next time. LOL!

Time takes time, moments in your life that move you along almost unnoticed, with the ease of a free gliding bird.  Every moment and movement in your life, created a memory, an experience that shaped who you are today and will come to be.  If time were truly wasted, there wouldn't be lovers or friends, movies or plays, hairstyles or personal style! Oh, boy, that is terrible!  We can't have that!  There wouldn't be a need for birthdays, books or education, academic or street knowledge would have little value. Quite many careers would not be in existence, if the development of intrest in that subject  was considered a waste. Think about that one! Without time, no need for careers - nope -  you haven't had time to develop an interest. Now, isn't that silly?  Yeah, it is!  Time is never wasted. 


                                                   "Every moment 

                                                    and movement

                                                        In your life,

                                                        created a 

                                                    memory in time."


Time,  whether euphoric or maddening, it is defining,  either now or another time,  but it is all in time.  A  moment not wasted according to our unconscious mind. We will place that moment, that sliver of experience tucked away, in a subconscious, compartment, to be revealed, when  necessary or valuable. Within time there are private moments, and in those, you learn, experience something.  Time, the reasons we like or dislike,  something, someone, or someplace. The feeling it generates, (how we recieve) in this moment in time, will make an appearance, privately, publicly, at some time in the future.  This can be conjured up with a series of emotions. In tow, in many moments or few, nearer or further in time.

Time is love and hate, always and ever-changing. We look forward to this time and the next time, or we dred it.  We remember the time before that and we live in that time for the moment.  Time is equal, time is shared. Time is valid and valuable once then, and again. Time is forgotten, learned, spent and remembered. Time is cherished, abused, unrecognized and familiar.  Time goes on with or without you, but without time we would not exist!  Nuts, right!!!  Time is in the mind of the beholder. Time is the absolute beginning and the complete end, and over again. You have all the time in the world? Time is running out? The debate is in your favor. 

You have not wasted one moment, You, me, us, did or heard, listend, wrote or cried about something  during those "dull moments " and it's in there.  What you have gathered fuels your time and how you choose to spend it.  How you spend time conscious or otherwise does not matter, unless it does - and you totally overstand that!  Time is never wasted. Time takes time. For some, time can be erased with the simple swipe of rubber, for others, the leads indention is faint, but deep and not forgotten. You work over that indentation, you have not the time to dwell. You have lots of time to be. I guess, the important thing to do is to make it count. How will you spend your time?  How can you improve upon the time you spend?  Only you know that. We will see, in time to come.